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EIA: Nat Gas, Oil Production To Increase From May To June

news The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) anticipates an uptick in oil and natural gas production from May to June from seven key fields. In its Drilling Productivity Report, natural gas production is expected to increase 1092 MMcfd (30.9 X 106 m3/d) across seven production fields, which include the Anadarko, Appalachia, Bakken, Eagle Ford, Haynesville, Niobrara and Permian Basin. Oil production will also increase by 144,000 barrels per day in those same areas.

Of the seven, natural gas production will see its biggest increase from the Appalachian Basin, increasing by 373 MMcfd (10.6 X 106 m3/d) from May to June. The Permian Basin comes in second with 225 MMcfd (6.4 X 106 m3/d) and the Haynesville Shale third with 201 MMcfd (5.7 X 106 m3/d).

On the oil production side, the Permian Basin will see the largest increase at 78,000 barrels per day from May to June. The Eagle Ford Shale comes in second with 33,000 barrels per day and the Bakken Shale third with 20,000 barrels per day.

New well gas production will see an increase across all seven sites, with the largest coming from the Eagle Ford Shale from May to June. Five of the seven sites will see increases from May to June on the new well oil production side. The other two – the Appalachian Basin and Haynesville Shale – will not see a change between the two months, according to the report.

To view the full report,

Date on: May 15, 2018

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